What Are The Daily Habits for Healthy Skin?

In our fast-paced world, it can be difficult to stay on top of our responsibilities. From taking care of our families to finding time to take care of ourselves in terms of staying active, consuming a healthy diet, and maintaining stress levels, skincare can easily fall to the bottom of the list.

However, your future self will be thanking yourself someday for taking steps earlier rather than later. In fact, there are many ways you can keep your skin healthy that don’t pertain to skincare products at all! Below are our 10 recommendations to maintain clear, beautiful skin for that youthful glow.

Steps to Healthier Skin : daily routine for clear skin


  • Take Care of Yourself

This could not be more important, even though it has been referenced many times, whether it be in conversations or other articles online. Mental health should always be taken seriously and a priority for you. It can be an easy pattern to fall into to put mental health on the back burner, but the truth is, stress puts the body in a “fight or flight” mode. Stress can aggravate your skin and cause unwanted breakouts or irritation.

By just applying a 30-minute workout routine into your day, you can notice a limitation in breakouts and skin conditions. Exercises such as yoga, running, meditation, and even breathing exercises found online or through podcasts can help bring down stress levels and keep your skin healthy.


  • Wash Your Face Regularly

No matter how you feel, you should always at least be washing your face once a day, before you go to sleep. This ensures you are removing the dirt, grime, and other bacteria that can damage your skin and prepare you for the next day.

However, twice per day is recommended for the best results, in the morning when you wake up and right before you go to bed since pillowcases overnight can also make your skin dirty. In this instance, bedsheets and pillowcases should be washed regularly. After all, you’re putting your face there every night, especially if you tend to sleep on your side.

While “oil” tends to have a negative connotation, there are some oils that our skin naturally has which are essential for a healthy balance. Cleansers that won’t rid your face of these natural oils are recommended, as well as utilizing a washcloth rather than solely rinsing your face during your skincare routine.


  • Consume Less Sugar


It’s been well-documented that an excess amount of sugar intake is a leading cause of unwanted breakouts and acne. A well-balanced diet is one of the best things you can prioritize for your skin. Eating too many processed foods can cause breakouts and skin inflammation. More natural foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and grains, provide more nutrients for your skin to keep it healthy and well-nourished.

You may not consider alcohol to be damaging to your skin, since we treat wounds with rubbing alcohol, but too much alcohol consumption can also cause skin irritation. This is due to many liquors being high in sugar content, similar to other foods and beverages. While many foods or drinks aren’t bad in moderation, you should be wary of consuming too much of certain products.


  • Use Sunscreen Every Day


The use of sunscreen on your skin every day cannot be emphasized enough. This is one of the best things you can do not only to keep your skin healthy but to avoid conditions such as skin cancer.

External factors, particularly UV rays from the sun, can be damaging to the skin as we go about our daily lives, so having an extra barrier of protection for your skin ensures that this damage doesn’t lead to any concerns. This is even true on cloudy days when the sun isn’t visible to us, but the UV rays are still strong enough to reach our skin and cause harm. An SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30 or above is often recommended to maintain skin protection.


  • Exfoliate Your Skin

You might hear the term “exfoliation” often but may not know exactly what it means. The reason skincare experts recommend exfoliating the skin is due to its effectiveness in removing dead skin cells that other products are not as capable of. By exfoliating in your skincare regimen, you are one step closer to having smoother, more vibrant skin on a more consistent basis. If you want to treat yourself following a skincare routine, exfoliating masks can be a great way to destress after a long day.

  • Moisturization & Hydration


Believe it or not, moisturizing and hydrating the skin serve two different purposes. The terms themselves can be a bit confusing, especially for those who are new to skincare. While “hydrating” the skin means providing it with essential moisture, “moisturizing” means you are ensuring that the moisture is retained and properly absorbed in the skin. Essentially, it’s a two-step process for your skin to get the nourishment it needs to stay healthy.

These steps in your routine are important to keep up with due to the negative effects of dry skin. When your skin gets dry, particularly in the winter months, your skin produces more oils, which can lead to clogged pores. By providing your skin with the moisture it needs (and by drinking enough water daily), your pores will remain unblocked and have a chance to breathe.


  • Spot Treatments


If you are prone to breakouts more than others, certain spot treatments can be quite useful, especially when applied for instances of acne and pimples. Immediately choosing to pop pimples can lead to scarring if not done properly. This is why spot treatments and chemical peels, when paired with Vitamin C serum for extra effectiveness, have been sought out more often to help with these skin conditions.

Rather than increase the chances of infection by using your hands, which may have all sorts of bacteria on them, to get rid of pimples, these treatments, or even anti-inflammatory creams, are usually a better option and don’t take long to show the results you’re looking for.


  • Get Your Beauty Sleep


Sleep disorders are quite common among the general population. In the United States, nearly 70% of the populace struggles with some type of sleep issue. Meanwhile, in the East, South Korea has been dubbed one of the most “sleep-deprived nations” on Earth, resulting in a booming sleep aid industry within the country. This is a major issue due to the importance of a good night’s rest.

Without having a deep, prolonged sleep cycle each night, your skin cells are not capable of regenerating as quickly, nor can damaged skin cells repair themselves. This results in fewer new skin cells being formed and those that have been created are unable to be fixed. The numbers aren’t looking great.

Lack of sleep or suffering from sleep disorders are not only bad for your mental health, daily performance, your body, and your skin’s health, but they also leave you vulnerable to other conditions. Psoriasis, eczema, and increased aging signs are only a few skin conditions that can form as a result.

Do your body a favor and try not to look at LED lights just before bed. Scrolling through your phone or watching your favorite TV show will trick your mind, making it more active rather than getting ready for your rest cycle.


  • Focus On Your Diet


“Diet” doesn’t need to come with a connotation attached to it. It can also simply describe your intake of food on a daily basis and its contents. It can be easy to not think about this and eat certain foods out of convenience. Your gut health is detrimental to all your other bodily functions performing as intended. Not only does your diet affect you internally, but externally through your skin’s health and overall appearance.

Taking daily supplements such as probiotics can ensure a healthy cycle is occurring. Leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, and foods high in fiber are all options that promote a healthy digestive system. Your gut will be thanking you later.


  • Beauty Supplements

Aside from probiotics to support your stomach, there are several choices of beauty supplements to choose from when it comes to proper skincare. Multivitamins such as Vitamin C and biotin are key ingredients to look out for when shopping for supplements.

We love to talk about them for good reason: antioxidants are some of the best ingredients to keep in your skincare routine. Hyaluronic acid and collagen are both staples that form different functions of importance in keeping the skin looking youthful and healthy.

bottom line : good skincare habits

Of course, the recommendations on this list are all subjective. What works for one person’s skin isn’t going to work for another. The most important trick is finding what works for you, both physically and mentally, as your happiness and personal goals should always come first, especially when it comes to skincare.